There's currently no maximum supply of BRIS token, making it an inflationary tokenβ.
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There's currently no maximum supply of BRIS token, making it an inflationary tokenβ.
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Token Name : BridgeSwap
Token Symbol : BRIS
Contract Address:
Chain : BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)
Earn $BRIS tokens from Farms and Pools, win it in the lottery, or buy it on the exchange, then explore its Use Cases:
Stake it in Pools to earn free crypto tokens .
Use it in Yield Farms to earn more BRIS .
Buy Lottery tickets in The BridgeSwap Lottery .
Vote on proposals relating to the BRIS DAO Governance
But that's not all - there's much more Use cases to come for BRIS holders in the future !
Initial Allocation:
50% Burn Mechanism ~ We have sent 50% of the initial total supply tokens to the Dead address, this has been done to decrease the initial supply that was planned to be released into the circulation and also have low Market Cap at Launch.
5% Team ~ 3 years Cliff and 5% monthly for 2 years.
21% Others ~ Vesting 6 months.
10% Liquidity ~ Locked for 3 years.
7% Marketing ~ will be used for partnership with ecological construction, including marketing, promotional activities, 3 months Cliff and 10% unlocked linearly in 10 months.
10% Defi 2.0 Zap Event ~ 30% unlocked linearly in 2 years.
Emission/block (BRIS)
Emission/day (BRIS)
All BRIS minted to the Dev address is burned in the weekly burn and never enters circulation.
As such, we haven't included it in the above emission rate.