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If you're experiencing issues, Try out the steps !

  1. If you can't find a solution, try reaching out in our Telegram Chat.

Admins will NEVER send you a direct message. If anybody approaches you directly on e.g. Telegram pretending to represent customer support, please block them and report as spam.

NEVER, under any situation, should you ever give someone your private key or recovery phrases. Immediately block and report anyone that asks for them.

Business Partnerships

Farms and Pools;

Farms incentivize users to provide liquidity for your trading pair by distributing BRIS token to your pair's LP Token holders.

Pools are a way of distributing your tokens to BridgeSwap holders who stake BRIS in the Pool.

These two products go hand in with BridgeSwap, when a project provides their tokens for a Pool, we'll also create a Farm. If you're looking to distribute tokens and incentivize liquidity, get in touch. Apply to run a Pool Contact Us

Listing on the Exchange;

How can I add my token to the default list?

You need to launch a Pool in order to be added to the list. See above.

We also accept requests to add tokens to the approved list, Contact us for details.

Last updated